Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

MERCHANDISE HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS MERCHANDISE Furniture Baby Merrtutndiae Furniture 95 Wanleo To Boy 93 82 88 Furniture Fur 98 Furniture Fnmlrura 98 Ted Colonial. Dprlne and vt Raccoon. Six 18-18. good condi Furnltur Arcad. iJUrectiy eorge's "JAavenuort With gray slip covers, also mahogany double bed.

taiarlotte 1658-R. a across from Sears Servica etatlonu ton. reaeonable 120 Randolph. Uflgliest prlcea paid for rags, iron, metals, papera. Burlaps, mattreaaea, batteries, mein'a Scrap Metal Co.

atone 2J84-J. Iivlng Room Suite Floor 3 -J Pieces In beautiful tapestry, full spring construction, priced at $129. Central Home Furnishers. 125 State St. $8.00.

Glenwood 2-10. tearoom a-pc. beautiful burl moi ami, dyed muskrat, aize Tapla junior bed. complete with Inner-XT spring mattress. Ives, 3898 Lake, Charlotte 1820.

Open 2-4 today. rhitney baby carriage; black leather. Excellent condition. Reasonable. Monroe 4154.

C'at, Hudson" 18-20. M'i Hudson Clearance ale, unclaimed ntoraKe furm-J ture: Carpet sweeper, large trunk, kitchen table. $Vtp0; kttch.n table base. kitchen cabinet. black and white 5 pc.

chrome kitchen set. cot now folding card t'ible, $2.00: end'o. (N): wine bed -s-s rn design suite, Jamestown quality: I esk Studtfil's, in maple or waitiut, mroe 1702-J. Dresser, $8: maroon, large dreaarr, (14 mxicrn waterfall dresaer, $34; marocti cheKt of drawers. $12; heavy walnut 4 pot4 single bed.

$14, Simmon atel bed. -a with larne wil Murphy bed. notify py man, dresaer, large cheet. vanity, bench end bed, S23U. Prens', 460 State.

Free delivery. 1 iaskan Seal coat. Genuine. Rita 18-18. drawer, 18x36 Inches, 2tt East Ave.

Open Jiving Room Suite 3 pieces. Breakfast set. Reasonable. Genesee 2021-W. J19.50.

"Union, Box 317, Marlon. New York, or call -V Perfect. $17S. Stone 4836-X evenings until 9. Marlon 361 a'ter 8 p.

ra. some panel back, $3 and studio couctx. daven-o. $35; porcelain breakfast aet. I iving Room 2 high standard blue davetiport, cost $86.00, now Sim- Jur coat, 40 at 30 Campbell Pk.

Carpels and Kugs Bedroom Set Mahogany bed, complete; matching dresser. Culver 2701-J after 4 p. in. 96 be seen 3-5. ITsed frozen custard machine.

K-73 heavy chairs, chrome set In ail mohair, knuckle arm style. $149. Desk Secretary, can Alnmeda Street. 4 bacus Living room sets; mattresses, Democrat. colors; Red Crtiea enamel combination 460 State.

Free delivery. acket, (tnuint Alaskan Real, size Jacket made to order. We also reuoholster. csk Child's, office chain westing like range, $35; bungalow enamel. $34; gaa stove.

Norman, enamel, $22: GlendaJe. J) raons studio couch; 9x12 rug, maple arm studio couch, maple platform rocker, maple end table, maple co*cktail table. porcelain kitchen table. kitchen chairs, 6 pc. walnut dinette set, pc.

maple new. Cien. 6541-J. 1MB Btone Rd. repair, renovate.

Save. Brown. Qui. 4539. 11x14.

Camera. I edroom Suite Queen Anne, burl wal-nut, bow end bed, Dox springs, dresser, mirror; vanity, triple mirror; nice condition, $150; mahogany cabinet victrola, 50 ck Perwan Titled coat, size 10-11, Lewis, 107 'a Troup enlarging cameras. Men's used clothing bought, highest prices paidCall 164 Chestnut. cow manure, SO tons wellrot- ted. In pile or delivered.

Glenwood 3917-M. 4 bacua If Brown's can't fix, repair or a- UDholster it. throw it awav. Cul. 4539.

like new. $250. Black seal Jacket St. Rear. Victor record, vmftny classical.

In albums. solid dinette set. 2 pc Krooiiler dy rooryi. size 12, excellent condition, enamel, $23; 3-Xt. double fucet sink, $9j large oak beater, $12; gara heater, ti; table top 3-burner, apartment tae, gaa stove, $24; child a maple piayyard.

$5i fibre aunroom set, $28. Open 9 n. il 9 p. m. Free deliveries.

230 Monroe Ave. merlcan Oriental 9x12, practically lunette Set Mapie, large size, includ-Ing china closet, drop leaf table, 4 good conditions, $35; davenport, large, and H.i.;de 13S2-M Vmi ew, $100. 25 Essex, Genesee 1772-M. lobert V. Deverlan will buy Oriental living room suite.

$139.00, cost $275; 2 pc veiour living room tuite. 2 pc. blue mohair living room suite, carved base 483 Seal, dyed coney. IS Churchlea chairs, suitable for cottage. CVtal.

Hudson South Joining Rosn Suite Nine-piece; reason-- able. East Rochester 269-R. I Room Suite Three" A and rose veiour. Call at 7 Wait off sclo. Tj iving Room 3 wine veiour.

With blue matching chair; used 3 months. $139. Prens' 4S0 State St. Jiving Room 2 high grade wine mohair, sagless web $139. Prens', 460 State.

Free delivery. A wing chair. Just upholstered, like new, covered with wine frieze of excellent quality, 185. Main 4129. ruga of any type.

Will pay the high- A-pt. 6. place. Asphalt Tile In slock, 15c i Hortcn Qulnn Inc sq. ft.

430 E. navy "spring estprlces. 125EastAye. Stone 3137. Maple, refectory table.

4 chairs. 1 Vnett. $149.00. cost 3 pc. blue veiour living room suite, mahogany buffet, mahogany server, ma CViat, grey coney, aire 18; coat.

Glenwood 1513-R. Main St. Nearly new. Culver 1225-W. xmlnster 7 Is x9 fern-leaf pattern, reasonable.

Call mornings. 241 Lark. bay seal fur coat for elderly hogany gate leg table, $25.00 4 door oak oak, A 1. anted, for spot cash, used office equip-" ment, typewriters, adding machines, calculating machines, desks, chairs, cash registers, files. Etone 3421, 128 S.

Clinton. 1 Vnette Set New, modern, light II woman. 135 Rutiedge. six chairs and table. 16 Merle 1 igh grade furniture and appliances.

3 a. jow prices. Easy terms. Komina Ca.m 287 Monroe next to Sears. Save at Rothman's Furniture Inc.

on all your home needs. Deal at the Friendly Store, successors to Ernie Wolk. 287 Joseph Ave. Open excepting Friday. till 9 p.

jn. bookcase, mahogany ft. wide bookcase, $75.00: 9 pc. walnut modem off Hehard. Stone 5518.

Vxminster Rug 12-plece maple, davenport bed, alip covers, excellent condi Cvt. full lerLh Canutdian mink, Exceellent condition. Hillside 3079-W waterfall dinitig room suite, oak I iving Rooin- blue ribbed veiour, 2-pc Bedroom Suite Five-piece walnut, Nottingham rug, tier table etc. 14 Englert St. Bedroom Suite 3 piece, walnut, brand new, maiiogany, 3 piece, $99.50.

Flaniyan Fuinuuie, 337 Driving Park Ave. Open daily til 9 p. m. Beds Twin, maplel complete. Pair maroon velvet drapes.

Good condition. Reasonable. Monroe 5389-J. tion. Also mangle.

436 Melville. Dinette Set Maple; table, 4 chairs; red box seats. Call before 4. 219 Flint St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS -J davenport and chair; $69.

Prens', 460 extension table, oak buffet, oak ehalrs, 2 pc. Lawson custom Mon- prey squirrel jacitet, size 16, 125, State. Terms. roadloom Carpets New effects, all -3 types wall to wall carpeting; also a. roe 6424.

Dinette Set Modern. 6 piece. Excellent condition. 820 E. Main Apt.

7. Antiques 94 iving Room Suite Veiour living room suite. In blue brocetcll-hatr and moss, cost 2 pc. ljtwson in rose figured tapestrv. $195.00.

Very rea "ummer Ermine Jacket, muff, aixa 14; carpeta expertly cleaned. Robert V. Dev Sacrifice, davenport, piano, rugs, miscel laneous. 5 Vassar St. Chairs 6 Empire Hitchco*ck.

Beautifully JJ 1 sonable. 350 Pennington Drive. reasonable, excellent. Btone 268S-L. erian, 125 East Ave.

Stone 3137. Ask for 1 lnelte 2525 St. Paul Blvd. decora! was 2 pc. misty blue-kid mohair P.

Qulnn oom Suite 2 pc, used, daven- larmon. six 16," excellent table, 4 chairs; $110. Prens', 460 State. I iving Roc port ar 2 smaTT also Stone finest Pine, 4 large drawers. nd chair, exceptional value.

roadloom Blue leaf. 9x12. Practically Open Mon. and Fri. eves lu-ina: rtom wi'to.

do. cost Sti.tYmi; 12x15 wine leaf broadloom rug. Jl.Vl.lMi; Monro 3678-R. I cds Complete with coil springs; dining room suite. Must 1618-X.

310 Wllkins. 'S condition 2525 Bt. Paul Blvd. 49.50. Lauer's Basem*nt.

60 State Street. 3 new. $83. 75 Delaware off MxiJ.6 wine leaf broadloom rug, $118.00: "VI nette Harvest finish, modern, 9 pc, floor sample. Buffet, china, table East River Genesee 4966-M.

Terms, free delivery. Open Monday until 9:00 P. M. 9x12 Burgundy Broadkwm rug. Cthest oi Drawers Antique, mahogany finish.

Waterman, 961 Jefferson Ave- 93 estates Wanted To Pay 4 bacua nhman buys entire with enclosed leave, tt- chairs. Reduced roadfelt Carpeting All colors. Inex- 12x12 lKth Century French Provincial Iarge selection of living room auitea, 2 and 3 pieces, in very fin condition, from $25 to used heavy duty douD coll springs, $10 to $12; large Estata Heatroia, new. closing out, $97.00, regular price $135; brokea lot of co*cktail and and tables at coat. Carter, 152 lt St) I.iv rooms of furniture.

6 Weld St, Stone 1573-X. office 3 pensive wall to wall covering or rug rug. $175.00: 10 yards blue atalr carpet: edroom Suite Modern, Waterfall, 3 pc, -I large size dreaser, beautiful wardrobe, bed all hand Inlay. Reduced to $218. no.

Lauer'a Basem*nt, 50 State Street. Terma, free delivery. Open Monday until 9 P. M. XX.

and all kinds of liquidations. Bia-ell carpet eweejter, rollaway bed, "Cheats Hepplewhite tavern chairs, dry izes. The Rug Market, 2is Monroe iving Room Suite 3 pc modern, floor sample, built with resilient springs throughout. Beautiful davenport, two lovely chairs, tapestry. Reduced to $198.00.

Lauer's Basem*nt, 50 State Street. Terms, opp. Sears beds, chairs. sink, stands, lamps 3nxJ6-in. oak grill tables, $5.00 each; Chambers 4-oven gas range, to $229.00.

Lauer Basem*nt, oo State Street. Terms, free delivery. Open Mon-day until 9:00 P. M. inctte Set U-pii'te walnut, new, OPA price $249, sale price $199.

Chariot's Appliances, 4453 Lake Ave. Charlotte 1954. E. Bloomleld. Murray, Route ft-20 tarpets Rug.

Good selection, priced 1 cd Full size, used. New bed, used equipment, tools, machinery, plumbing, rinrdware. tr quirk action, beat prices. Mam 7180. 27 Herman.

bacus Bachmsn. Best pricpald for plumbing, office equipment, machinery and loni. all surplus materials. Main 710 27 Herman Htreet. J- mattress, double coll spring.

Reduced right. Main Linoleum, 348 E. Main Bt. llock Grandfather. Also mantle clock.

I 2525 St. Paul Blvd. free delivery. Open Monday until 9 P. M.

$75.00, cost Roper gas ranc 100 lb. W. K. Ice reirlgerator, day bed. walnut dreswr Btone 41X1.

to $49.50 complete, lhuit a basem*nt. 50 State Street. Terms, free delivery. Open longoleiim-" Rugs 9xT2 "size. "Slightly lm- 1 iving Room Suit Three piece mohair, davenport and one chair blue, other SH.oo; w.

E. dresser base. vv. I fireplace Fixtures Russian samovars, beautiful sconces, unusual selection In i inette 5-plece birds-eye maple pad, Monday until p. M.

perfect. $4.95. Powers Furniture Store night table, oak dresser, $12.50 chair maroon. Very modern, pre-war, in 99 Stone- (Stone Highest cash guar 4 bacu 1 edroom Bed, chest and dresser, very 437 West Main St. W.

E. cheet drawers, walnut -a steel cabinet. All like new cliff Dr. good condition, Beautyrest mattress. anteed; furniture, washers, stoves, ner-spring construction.

Good condition. 50 Cole upstairs, 3-9 p. m. vanity, walnut vanity, $22.50 Inoleum All makes, all types. 35 pat- oak.

sterilized, double coll springs. A real all metals: silver wine coolers, punch bowls, candelabra. tureens. Vegetable servers, butter servers, single teapots, taa baskets, trays, complete silver services. Llfshuti.

374 Court. blond mahogany bed, walnut bed, I fining Room Suite 9 piece, terns to choose from, starting from 59 iving Room Suite Two-piece, blue wool French walnut bedroom suite Good condition. Monroe 2S9-W. value, $189.50. Open Mon.

and Fri. eve nlng till 9. Mangurian, 531 Monroe. cents yard. Northslde, 226 Nonh SU Open Ottering for sale, fiv rooms of choiea antiques, in furniture, silver, giasa, rugs, lamps, paintings and bric-a-brac, Sundayl-7.

512South private aal of "fin furnishings, first A time offered for sale. Rock Map bedroom suit consisting of piec aa listed below: 1 kneehoi desk and chair. 1 chest of drawers and shaving (las. full size bed complete. 1 9x12 axminater blended rug and cushion.

1 pair draw draperies 4 widths to the pair. 6 ft. in. long pleated tops and hooks, alt for $235; 2 twin six beds, upnuisieredi bacus Aluminum. Victory Waste Material paya highest prlcea for A dresser, triple mirror, vanity and bed, eves, till 9, Tliurs.

till 6. a-J frieze, nearly Coventry, side door. 1 'Vinliig Set Duncan Phyfe extension table, 6 chairs, credenza, porcelain top IJeilroom SuiteStove, radio, crib, dou- )ayo And student lamps complete. 20 light walnut bed-chest drawer dresser and coil spring. 18th Cen inoleum Inlaid.

Immediate delivery. All ble bed, tools. Genesee 124H. Monroe Honeoye Falls, N. T.

colors. Charlotte ADDllance. Charlotte extension Kitchen set, needs painting, $20. tury 4 pc. mahogany bedreom suite tedrt 1954.

7 Bellevue Drive. Ljecrefary Solid mahogany. Empire de $169.00: 5 pc. mahogany twin bedroom papers, magazines and rags, scrap Iron, ail metals, mattresses, eld tires and1 tubes. Our trucks will call.

Main 6677. Deal With these veterans. A bacus Paper, ragsi mattresses, Iron, metals. Best prices. Btone 8575.

Spencer- 8 pc Room Suite oak, used. sign, good condition. 1059 Harvard suite, 00; blond mahogany 5 pc. Jounge Chairs Beautiful covers. Jeep spring construction, also pull up chairs, fireside chairs, platform rockers and rockers in maple.

Reduced for great savings at Flamgan Furniture 337 Driving Park Ave. Open daily till 9 -s plete, maple, double, $100. port 309-F-3. Blning buff buffet Street. modern waterfall bedroom aime, ciino has large storage space good Inoleum Just received a large quanti-- tv newest patterns.

Quick Installation service. Klass, 99 Monroe Ave. 'pable 35 leg, cherry; tegs maple, cup headboards, complete, for $15u: 1 blu Bedroom Suite Three-piece walnut, four uoster bed. Charlotte 223-J. casters.

2525 St. Paul. damask upholstered boudoir a rat chair for atoves, 4399-J. sized table, 6 sturdy chairs. Reduced to Lauer's Basem*nt, 50 State Street.

Terms, free delivery. Open Monday until 9:00 P. M. A bacu Mattresses, rugs, furniture. paper, rags, Btone 3350, Machine Oriental 9x12, rose and black.

Excellent condition. Hillside 1S14-J. 2. blue damask upholstered dressmc laedroom Suite 3-plece walnut; 2-piece robe, dresser, bed, vanity dreader and bench, was $475.00, now par twin walnut beds, S80.OO; pair twin colt springs, pair twin mattresses, $40.00. Open dally 8 to 6:30.

Joseph A. Schantz Company, 247 St. Paul street. A ntlques. Helen Cranston Burley, 77 Mattresses Simmons innersprings, values up to $49.50.

February clearance cue Alert buys beds, dressers, chests 4 living room suite. Glenwood 40U9-M. Park Ave. table swivel chair for $30; 1 mahogany cheat of drawers, Georgian typ design, for kitchen "I Vning Room Suite Ice box of drawers, dashes, rugs, radios, wash Oriental Antique Guliatan runner, 16 ft. by 40 In.

A beauty. 106 Arbordale Ave. saie prlcea sia.sni.-a to iZi.yo, all sizes. While Uicy last. Lyons, 42 State.

137 4 ntlques. lamps wanted! Also antlq'je Bedroom And other pieces. Call Southern Parkwav. bl ei-a; antique ivory finished mte atana tor $20; 3 crystal table lamps and ahadea -a- cabinet, chairs, bed, rug. boy'i cycle.

151 Winona Blvd. Sunday 2-5. lamps expertly wired, plated, buffed. Mattress Parker mattresses are manufactured by Simmons Serta Eng- Oriental Kirman, approximately 9x12, excellent condition, reasonable. Daytimes lacquering etc.

Estimates! Schneider, "edroom Suite a piece, very good con for 1 mahogany dining room suite aa follows: drop leaf type extension typ 556 west Main. -a- ntion. Reasonable. 428 Jefferson call Main 77S1; evenings, Charlotte 2535-R, ing machines, stoves. Also complete homes and flats of furniture.

Spot cash. Call 6119 Ex-servifenian. bacus Papers, magazines, rags. Iron and tnetal. Junk of any kind.

Best trices at our yard or our truck will call, iliiier Wast Materials, 44 Herman St. Hone 5377. Best Improved yard to bring Talnut. marble top table, turtle pattern Apartment 1-B. Call 2-6.

Dining Room Set 9 piece, 2 tone, walnut, modern. Very good condition. Monroe J5832-R fining Room-Nine-piece burl walnut; Ilanican February bedding clearance eale of cots and mattresses, ir.nerspring mattresses, box springs, eofa beds, Hollywood beds, wood and metal beds, reduced for great savings. Fianlgan Furniture. 337 Driving Park Ave.

Open daily till 9 p. m. lander and Super. Priced from $19. io.

Parker's are mattress experts. Don't gamble with rest. Shop Parker's Corner today. 501 K. Main St.

Terms. Free or may be seen at 1064 Winona off St. Paul to Cooper Koad. See amy time top, sernentlns carving, beautiful cmi "edroom Suite 3 pieces, maple, double bed, springs. 312 Lettington Dr.

Gene Sunday. Ask for Mrs. Slater. ter finial. Mahogany, marble top coffee table.

Pair gilt oval frame mirrors. Old good condition. 135 Kutledge. see 3123-M. Call between 10-2.

glass lamps, story buttons, bells, mer- TAinlng Room Suite Nine-piece walnut, "rattresses Innersprings for cots, cribs, taoie, 2 arm chairs, and 2 side chairs up-bolstered in blue stripe velvet, 1 buffet credenza tyntw, and large wall mirror, all for $295; large Georgian type open arm chair upholstered tn Verona velvet; a 2 CoHyer round back arm chairs in biua Jaspe velvet nail trimmed; fine tabia lamp and shade; also apricot color Veivet broadloom carpet and runners, large iz carpets. H-53, Democrat. your junk to. nior beds, twin beds. -i beds.

Ives. reasonable. Culver 2355-R. Oriental Kirman, approximately 9x12. Excellent condllton.

Reasonable. Daytimes, call Main 7781. Evenings, Charlotte 2535-R or may be seen at I(ifi4 Winona Bedroom Suite Light maple, bed, dresser and chair, like new; floor model ju dishes, etc. Cash. 4 barus Clotting, chaum pipes, walnut stands and chairs.

Old cigaret cards, Indian cniefs in full col-or on silk. 1888 Lake Webster. N. Y. 3893 Lake, Charlotte 182U.

Open 2-4 today. for tea Tinlng Room Set Suitable Will il call days, evenings. Slons 27S2. Motorola radio-phonograph, walnut finish. Tllattresses "Beautyrest," all sizes.

room. Sewing machine. 766 Ridge Rd. Iyons February Clearance Sale. All liv-lng room, bedroom, breakfast, dining room suits, chairs, lamps, studio couches, sofa beds, selling at and let of original selling price.

This Is a real old saie. Some pieces selling as low as pre-war days. Lynns. 42 Stale. Qen Monday eve.

In good condition. Glenwood 2655-J. "ntiqus gold, silver," dia off St. Paul to Cooper Road. Ask "Ipenlng Lima Antique Shop next Are East.

Open for Mrs. Plater. Ives, 3898 Lake, Charlotte 1820 2-4 today. monds, curtoa and trinkets. See us Hedroom Suite 4-piece maple, 2 months old, never used; leaving city.

Culver inlnt; Room Suite 8 pieces, solid m- v-' house. Antique bought and sold Lima, N. T. Telephone 199. Oriental Runner 22 ft.

long blue and rose pattern, new condition. Mon lliiurluild Articles 99 resses tiox springs, coll springs. Best quality urniture not 5543-J. Mattr Ma Get our price and compare Wels- r.urk. 3H Mam St.

Btone 3467. apua.T Roller 2-3 ton, factory built, reasonable Main 3318-R. table manufactured today; n-foot any bargains. Oien today. Ives.

edspreds Two eiderdowns, green, roe 8913. flctorlan love ieat and chair, other antique furniture and glassware. 60 buffet Bedroira Suite Burl walnut, Jamestown built. 5-Diere. Double bed.

chest. 3s98 Lake. Open 2-4. with extension leaves. Large rose, xo each, ft! ton Uothman's Furniture Inc.

Disposing of entire stock purchased from Ernie Wolk. $50,000 inventory of high grade furniture Needham St. Sun. only. Off W.

4105-J. Ruga All wool, beautiful new patterns. All sizes. Hall and stair runners. Alain-esses innersprings, all sizes, 6 cnairs, needlepoint seats.

All beaut'ful condition. $225. Monroe 1199-R. 2200 East dresser, vanity and bench, $300.00 valu cwnpluTtr box aprlngs and Rldce Rd. i'- $24.50.

Ives. 3898 Lake. Charlotte at reductions up to one-half. Fine value Immediate delivery. Klass, 99 Monroe Ave.

ress. Monroe 1714-R. matt Avenue, harfrain at $175.00. New condition 24 Beach Ter. Charlotte 2007-R.

No dealers. aide chair, 'ov-e aeat, Lincoln upenz-4 today. 1 ox Spring On legs, width, Excellent condition. Reasonable, etoca 2525-R.

in living room, bedroom, dining room kitchen, chairs, lamps, tables and thou rocker. Helen Harvey, Lima. "fattresses Simmons lnnerspring.s, vai lTiIton Rug 9 12, rose and beige; daybed. Glenwood 4599-W. Dining Room Suite 7 pes.

combination hookcase and desk, rocking chair. Ted Davenport Living room chairs. Tooka Buy in amali lota or entire braries. Opperman's Book Ebop, E. Main.

Btone 4414. 433 sands of other items. Shop and you be the ucs up to $49.50. February clearance forget we have to move and no JLS Good condition, reasonable. 22 Bilt- Ctarpet Sweeper Good condiUon, $2.

"13 1 Macnolli Mtret saie price slashed to 27.9o, alt sizes. Wilton Rug 9x12, slightly worn, $20. Glenwood K73-W. 1RO Viqllnirhiirv St AJ place to go. Plenty to select from.

Cappellino. 33 Elm Street. judge at the Friendly Store. Rothman's, successor to Ernie Wolk, 2K7 Joseph Ave. Open eves, except Friday 'til 9.

more Drive. Charlotte led And dresser. Can be seen 3 to While they last. Lyons, 42 State Treakfast Set Porcelain top, also large cheft of drawers. Genesee 3521-M.

1nc-a-brac Vaaea. antique clocks. I leneral Electric Iron lavmg room chairs. 536 Empire. Culver 699-J.

Genuine Spartan Oriental, 9xlR, rose Oale of antiques, starting at 10 o'clock 1 9 5. 21 Alameda Street. Jattresses itox springs, soil springs, slightly used, ail sterilized. Bargains. VA and blue: $150.

180 Rocklneham 53 Avondale off Btg reduction, 1058 Monroe. "llodero dining room furniture. Single bed complete. Reasonable. Inquire, Mangurlan's, 531 Monroe.

lamps, dishes, picture frames, stampa, co ns etc wanted. Charlotte 751-J. today. Clearance Sale: Oriental and domestic rugs; excellent buys; various sizes up bridge lamp, wing chair, dresser, VtctroU cabinet stand. 304 Cedarwood Terrace, Culver 5458-M.

Dining Room Suite 9-piece, 18th Century, mahogany Credenza. $260. 230 Susquehanna Hillside 2907-R. Dining Room Suite Bedroom suite, piano. 206 Field St.

Call Sunday and evening3. Dining Room Suite 9-piece. Call Culver 573-W. oo uuenm ureeze. Beds Maple, twin, $24.50 each coll aprln-s.

$14.50: cotton felt mattresses, $19.50, brand new. 286 East Ave. Open evenings until 9. Qet of 5 curly maple chairs, refinlshed, I attresses And box snrines at nrices mahogany coffee new seats: curly maple dressing table; you want to pay for high grade mer Chest tor child toys, large aize. Glettwood 3373-W.

Kit linger furniture, table davenport to I2X1D. Rochester Rug Works, 182 At lantlc Avenue. butler desk, reflnlehed: lamps and dishes. mahogany chair. chandise.

See and compare. February sale Saw or 10 inch, wanted. 46 Hampshire Dr. Ruth Wallace Antiques, opposite Roxbury 12a Park Ave. and 531 Mon Tug with pad, 9x12, solid wine, prac V.

Beds Springs, mattresses. Special low prices. JBond Furniture. 514 N. Clinton.

TJeds Twins, dressers and chest. WaT- Ger.esee 7049-M. I nn. Brockport. Y.

roe. -aa tlcallv new MS North knt 1 Ctrosley Shelvadore refrigerator; needle-' point davenport: Cogswell chair: dav 4 11 wool rugs and broadloom carpeting. Targe selection ready to use pine cup, boards, beautlfu finish: desks, sec adio Combination, G-E cooker, two fc antique mantel clocks, other articles. 1 A aroonds Bought, Hold and appraised. George Poerrer.

520 Burke Bldg. -s -nut. $35. Mor.dav. O'Kane.

Stone enport table; co*cktail table; tsmoking plain and sculptered effects. AH Dining Room Suite 9 piece walnut. Good condition. 1940 Clifford Ave. 299.

retsries: four-1-irgerf table group Includ stand; RCA radio, (floor mode): nin Make offer. 260 Reynolds widths. See our selection of 9x12 wool Vmond small. Watches. Main, opposite rgc.

East eds Upstairs. Complete, dressers, Gain-a-Day rugs. The Rug Market, 248 Monroe C2 Roger i iassware Rock costal stemware. 32 V. Pe: perfect.

Moving. Glen. 5432-W. "V'ats Bachman's is amazing! Read what your friends have to say. Mr.

Murphy, 535 Oxford "The Smithsonian Institute has nothing oa you." 27 Herman. VVl Heater And kitchen cabinet. 433 KJ Caroline St. Call Sunday. fpabie Lamp Bronze, with glass shad.

3 Genesee 2525-W. rotpoint appliances for immediate de-a A livery. Freezers, daihwaaher. heatera and stove. Reasonably prompt delivery oia electric refrigerators.

Northstde. 228 Nortts St. Open eve, till 8 p. m. Thura.

'Pa ble Carved, crotch mahogany, mar-3 ble top. Valued at $100. Price lea than half. Gas beater, other articles. Monroe 8230.

Radio May lag washer, vanity table with mirror, at bed, baby carriage, ing manogany Bnerston, reeded legs: Cher ry clover-leaf, unusual legs; walnut ex tension, pineapple legs. Sheraton mahog white washer. Ilka new, $69.00: Speed opp. Sears. piece walnut dining room.

suite, two rugs dxl2). porcelain top table with four chairs; 50-foot garden hose. Between 2 and 5, Sunday. 7 Broezcl Street. No lemorrat.

)lnlng RoomH-pc. plain walnut with oblong table, bufet. china cabinet. 6 Queen M5.00; Leonard refrigerator, newly WatcheT rings, bridgework. Sterling coal-gas range, oak round, Victrola, ttiree trunka, gas fireplace.

any cheat, authentic Connecticut cheat chairs; $98. Prens'. 460 State. Terms. reconditioned, $90; white table top stove with oven regulator, $69.00: wardrobes.

old gold, silver, highest prlres. Amerl- general selection chests, all woods. Single dealers. heater, Murihy door bed. uve-foot metal 1UK.

9x12. dubarry rose, all wool, twist broadloom. 160 Rockingham. Jug. handmade, hooked.

214x4. Regu-lar price anywhere $25. $15. Stone ran Co 149-A Main K. upetairs.

HMehroek chair, fiddle backa. Llfshutz, Dining Room Beautifully finished American walnut suite with ext. table, 6 living room suites, gas stoves, new steel ose taupe chase mohair davenport. It DUnd, living room and dining room electric fixtures. office desk, two boudoir 374 Court.

antique or hand Vshrs Wanted! safes, breakfast sets. We carry iinhnlstered seat chairs, buffet and china chair. Excellent, reasonable. Main Bainted nieces, aets. Krr.

Charlotte everything you need for the home. Alert 1790 weekdays. one with the Wind lamps, student chairs, brass clothes tree. Eureka cleaner, G7 cab net: $139. ITens 400 mate.

rra Furniture, Main 6919. 20S North 8trect. lamps, banquet lamps, unusual lamp nigui taoie, iwo-ione Frenca walnut din ellvery. Clenulne burlap back InlalJ linoleum, -J standard1 cauee. Battleshin weicht Monroe 751-J today or Glenwood 7027-W.

'J" irctric Irfotors Any sTze or condition. 1 ran Stone 2920. Lewis and Doohan, ing suite. Genesee 9i2-W. 48 Melrose.

Beds 2 metal, complete; unpalnted rirewtlnr tnhln rhpfln Ohnrlntte 101-W material: sets colored tumblers, pair blue blown glass vases fluted tops: colorful 1 Vining Room Just out of storage, a pre- next to special! a Sears. February clearance htecretaiy Mahogany, medium size, good condition. $50: movine. Glenwood Studio couches, $59.95 up. enma clocks, nne wedgewood clock, work war mahog.

Duncan Phyfe suite, usea months. A high quality suite of James- 404 Hudeon. Armoflor. Felt base floor covering and wall covering, all widths. The Rug Market, 248 Monroe opp.

Sears. ookcases Dressers, desks, mahogany china closet and side board, 8 ma 'ng condition. Llfshutz. 374 Court. 5432-W.

Kominz 2S9 Monroe next to Scars. February clearance special! own mnke consisting cabinet base china. table, with pails, buffet. side chairs, llns and cherry table, $50; Victoria Refrigerators hogany chairs. Cappellino.

250 Court St. too ton, like new; single bed, 4Jfa Beds A sofa by day, a comfortable RUS. Wilt dresser. dresser. ouq mapie beds.

sz4.95 up. one arm chair. Prens'. 4Ho State Bt. walnut love seat 150.00: lSfll wall Stone B390.

Motors 1 6." Any condition. Stone 4855. FreighJ. must be first class condition. P.

Contl A Bon. Clay Ttisd, Henrietta. Monroe 8296. innirsnrlnp hv Bookcases Mahogany dressers, coffee tables, lamns. odd chairs.

324 Hudson. 4 pex -Electric reirlgerator, 6 cu. good running condition, $50 today. clock $10 00. Sunday 12-5 only.

790 Van I'omlnz 289 Monroe next Walnut. Square lining Room Suite covers. Parker's bedding sale Alstyns Road, off Klem, West Webster. Sears. February clearance special! A table, 8 $49.

George's Furniture 228 llockview Ter Hall and stair carpet, big selection, all colors. The Rug Market, 24S Monroe opp. Sears. Parker's Corner 501 E. Main St china, clocks, milk glass, etc 230 Monroe Ave.

Philco, Zenith and Emerson radios. $19.95 up. ofa Lawson attractive stripe in wine V'pergue Wanted; pay J50 for nice one Bookcases Handmade by craftsman, 6 sectional, all dovetailed, beautifully finished. Reasonably priced. A.

Tishler, 54 Wolfert Ter. dcllffe, off St. Paul be 1 "vining Room Suite Burl walnut, period to1 Kerr. Charlotte 751-J or Rug, Bigelow, 7Hx9 feet, tan pattern, like new. Glen.

B541-J. 18.19 Stone Rd. '4 pex Electric refrigerator, 4 Va -1 feet. 8 years old. good condition.

Ideal for small family, apartment or cottage. L. Ross, 115 Brooks off Wood.aad ween stop il and 24 -a--' model. Junior size. 9 Februanp sale! Mangurians.

125 Park Ave. 230 Monroe nhe Palmer's new location Is 24 Wes and 531 Monroe. Kominz 2S9 Monroe next to Sears. February clearance special! Platform rockers. $14.95 up.

Occasional chairs, spring filled. $7.95 up. Tug, Kirman Oriental, 9 10, purchased George's Furniture Arcade, Ave. Falrport. Closed on Wednesdays lloudoir Chairs Priced from $14.50 up.

Hedom chplrs. het select'ons at ko. -Monroe near canal. three years ago for $H0O, will sell for oia Lawson, practically new, very ntlques: Chairs 50. stands J3.

4 ining Room ijune a jicppeiwmic resaonable. 202 Westminster Ptd $100, like new. Glenwood 726. pex Refrigerator Apartment aize, Goo4 -a- running condition. 99 Morton St.

$29.75, for chairs regularly $33.25 to 36.S0. Chaise lounges. $29.75 to $79.50. -a- Jtv chests S10. 115.

120. commodes 15. burl walnut. $165: cost $450. George Kominz 289 Monroe next to Sears.

February clearance special! Vacuum cleaners. Immediate delivery. Oofa Regency rose tapestry, formerly sJ 198.00, rnw $158.00. Februarv Boston rockers (12, mirrors $5. Prens, Furniture Arcade.

23Q Monroe Ave Ielt Base Linoleum Rugs; 9x12. heavy weight. $6.95. Powers Furniture Store, 437 West Main St. C-ioldspot Electric refrigerator; 6 cubid $75.

and Kenmore electro, wiah" no state St. ning Room Suite 9 solid walnut. $39.95 up. 1) Mangurian's, 125 Park Ave and 531 Mon roe. rrv give your home the touch of lnrti' Period model.

Berkeley-Gay; $150 Miller Crafts. 12 Corners. Houdoif-Chalrs-Chalse lounges. Brand new but slightly soiled in our $37.50 values reduced to 119.50. Other values proportionately low.

Garson $5, both $100. Genesee 3889-R. 230 Monroe Vlduaiity, crandma a moss rose tea George's Furniture Arcade, fil-rwiVKl 7027-W. Ends Suitable for making trall-ers 390 Grove Greece. 1 furniture Wanted Victorian, antique, chairs, desks, stands, dropleaf tables, nc.

Charlotte 751-J, or Glenwood 7027-W. Glassware Wanted Cut or antique col- ored. anv amount. Kerr. Charlotte ly-J today, or C.lenwood 7027-W.

('old Coin Stamps, antiques. Washing- ton Hobby Shop.80 Spring. eweiry Diamonds, old gold, stvM cab lomls 4V pons, 103 Bartlett it onsee 5f9. Iathe South' BendT-quick change. 9 or 10 tneb awing.

Genesee 2300-R; cash Kominz 289 Monroe next to Sears. February clearance special! Xelt base Congoleum yard goods In remnant pieces. 59c sq. yd. Powers Furniture Store.

437 West Main St. set, a pair of beehive candlesticks or a Sofa Large, tufted; good condition. For armnintment. call Hillside 12fin Ave. $15.95.

8.011x1 tires. old curly maole chest. Prices reasonable. Wood. 111 Clinton Ave.

S. lining Room Set Oak. made by HcrKey Iowers Furniture Store. 437 Main Antique Center. 171 H.

Goodman at park ttudlo Couch rillow-back, new; cheap. a' Gav. table, arm chair. ominz Co 289 Monroe next to Sear. February clearance special! open Monday end Friday till 9 i riakfaat Set Solid maple, 5 A Don't miss it.

Klass, 99 Monro Ave. 4 bsolutely free to come In and look side chairs. $59. Garson Wood, 111 Clin Iug and pad, 9x12. blue floral pattern; anrund.

Largest collection of furnl ton Ave. H. Indirect floor lamps, complete with shade. $8.95 up. lrigldalre cu.

1931 model. fj, 1 "Ralph ApiJiancea." 797 W. MaiaL lrigliiair Eight cubic may-ti 1 seen dally from i-8. 441 State aln 8796. -K.

4 cu. tC. witTi brand new uoit. Priced under $60. "Ralph App.laacea." 797W.

Mam. fE Electric Refrigerator Can be aeea 3-5. 21 Alameda Street. -s-' reasonable. 74 Frost Ave.

ure. brass, conper, silver, lamps, clocks, reakfast Set Porcelain and chrome, Am nw manritlr T.evln tin Mnnrna upstairs Twining Room Suite 9-plece, walnut, ot- mirrors, lanterns, drop lea ominz 289 Monro next to Hun- TTIelt base Congoleum yard goods aJ lone table, price $100. Genesee 2713-J. ablea, cupboards, chests, brlck-a-brac, reakfast Set Chrome, formerly Sear. Refrigerators.

laovea and dreds of pattern to choose from. 1 lningRoom Suite 9 piece mahogany china, love seats, coffee tables, sconce combination radio fur Immediate delivery. a $69.50. now 159.50. February sale! 79e aq.

yd. Powers Furniture Store, 437 aJ new. Excellent condition, now umistif-1 flower wall rvockets. Buffing, re Mangurlan's, 125 Parke Ave. and 631 Mon- West Main St.

L-3, Sfarhinist Tool Draw typs. Kominz 289 Monro next to Sears. February clearance special! 2- $138.00 complete. Mangurlan's, 531 Mon pairing, plating, Llfshutz. 374 Court.

roe Ave. VtTa have Just received a large shipment roe A ntlque Center, furniture and decorative (1. E. Refrigerator Good condition, 3 Genesee 13S1-M. culver 52.H2-W.

Studio-Floor-eampic Imilt to commodate two comfortably, all spring construction, has compartment for bedding. Reduced to $19.50. Lauer's Basem*nt, 50 state St. Terms, free delivery. Open Monday until P.

M. Otudlo Outfit A 2-piece living room group that does double duty, for the bed-sofa opens easily into a full size bed. Comfortable spring construction with a matching lounge chair, In blue tapestry. Brand new, originally $169, Just reduced to $99.50 for both pieces! This will sell fast, so be In early. Store hours Monday 9 a.

m. to 9 p. m. Ruby-Gordon, IncL. 34 South Ave.

"reakfast Set 5-pieces In porcelain and piece living room suites, spring ruled, 1 ivmocret 1 otors Bought "for cash.any condition, Room Suite 9-piece solid walnut. pieces. 171 S. Goodman at Park $99.95 up of that hard to get wood colored rug border in all widths in light and dark shades. Powers Furniture Store, 437 West -e- chrome, red, blue or black.

$39.50. Central Home Furnishers, 125 State St. JL Upholstered chairs. Well cared for AC preferred. Electric Motor Supply General Electric 7 cubic feet.

seied motor, perfect condition. 1 Churchlea PI. kominz 289 Monroe next to Tpvrop leaf cherry table. 6 leg. cun cas Co.

Genesee 7728. outfit. Including taDie pad. quiver -a-' tnn hesuttful tondltloe 212 Bantee Seers. February clearance special! Main St.

Breakfast Set Five-piece floor sample, porcelain top table, four sturdy chairs 133 Coolidge Rd. Rollaway Beds with, extra heavy felt mat side door. Musical Instruments WW pay cash for (or take in trade! trumpets, aeeor- VlTood colored rug border in all widths, Jacobean Twining Room Suit! 9 tresses, $19.95. reduced to $39.50. Lauer's Basem*nt.

50 Opeciallv priced for Februsrv. Map1 49c a vd. and up. Powers Furniture AJ stvle. walnut.

Rockford make. 210 State terms, free delivery, open Mon TJ" ominz 289 Monroe next to clarinets, alto and tenor saxophones, and certain other types of band drop-leaf table; stencilled Ohio chairs, In sets: cherry and pine blanket chests Collingsworth Dr. (Ellison Park Heights). Sears. February clearance special! day until 9 p.

m. Store. 437 We3t Main St. rugs and pads, 8x10, 9x12; beau- beautiful. Levlne, 30 Monroe.

Innrumenta. We put all Instruments Ir. Combination coal and gaa ranges, $149.95. hand braided rues. toureen TT breakfast Se -Feb ruarv clearance Dining Room Suite Exquisite mahogany, complete with pads.

Stone 5390. CJtudio Couch Combination bed. three Immediate delivery. with platter. Aria P.

Richardson, 470 -13 price sale! Porcelain top table and 4 first ciass order for deserving students. Ler's Music Store, 33 South Ave. pillow. 246 Randolf St. Court St.

I.ominz 2S9 Monroe next to TVning Room Set Telephone stand, S4.V other sets tn chrome, plastic, XXavy standard inlaid linoleum. also felt base linoleum ruga, all sizes 8 IV Sears. February clearance special! Adelaide AJ lamps. 201 Norton Street, maple, oak, blonde mahogany, as much O'l Lamps Wanted Complete or Sep-erate. ehades.

Kerr. Charlotte 4 ntic A o- ft. 9 ft. to 12 ft. 15 same 1n 54-inch steel cabinet sinks.

$139.50 up, BHen. 90 Troup. Main 2S42. as 1 off. Lyons, 42 State.

1-vinlng Room Suite Walnut. 9 pieces, Home Freezers, various sizes; immediate delivery. Hahsa Electric ISO North St. 1 eonard Refrigerator Kewly recondi-a tioned, $90. Alert Furniture, foi North St.

Main6919. I eonard 60-lb. Ice box, excellent condi- tion. porcelain Interior, $3K. Cul-ver803-M.

1 eonard 5 Va cu. door. $33, "Ralph Appiianc," 797 W. Ma.n. Kerigeritor -4 cu." "ft.

IVrfecf toiidllum; reaatinalil. (ienenre asst. 1 freezer rabinats, Kelvtnator, FriiT, Coolerator, Carrier, from six ft. ac4 up. A few for Immediate delivery.

Cent A. Pemberton. Macedon Center Fair-Irt. N. Y.

Fairport 591. complete. Immediate delivery. yard goods In 6 9 ft. snd 12 ft.

widths. Lowest prices. Carter. 152 State St. -3KOO( condition.

$175. 3S9 Field St. "Ihcrry desk cherry and mahngan IJreakfnat Sets In chrome, porcelain and 1 Warned Will pay spot cash fir your baby rranrt, spinet nr small tip-ri-ht Call Mr Churchill. Levis Music mapl dinette aet; refectory rhest: rherrv stands: cherry dron-l-a wood, large selection to chooae from. Studio Couch Prewar Simmons, slip cov- er.

excellent condition. 195 Fulton Ave. Vludlo Couch $40. Apt. Sou are, itudio Couches stvles.

iartlng at $19.50. Northslde. 228 North St Open eves, till W'bltnr: tabli ey able, rphree Imported Orientals, 5x8 IV, clean four chairs, three-drawer chest. eate-ler tab's; Boston rocker; ail refln Maple and mahogany dinettes $39.50 Dining Room 9 good condition, ob long table, buffet, chirm cabinet, chairs. $200.

Glenwood ell, rugs, excellent condition, must itore, 41J I'-ast Main Slnne 158. Also upholstered lounge chair lo match. up. Fianlgan Furniture 337 Driving bargain. 815 Cobbs Hill Drive.

Call after 1 p. m. Sunday. Monroe 1244-lt. i-ark Ave, open daily to p.

m. 1adio Combination: washing machine, 1 lninir Room Suite 9-piece. American )ug: Wilton, beige, 9x12. practically p. m.

tin 6. I-' walnut. Glenwood 5179-M. -s hotiaehoid articles, record player, SS40-W. reakfast Set 5-pc, used, porcelain top 3-3 fable, metal chairs.

29.7S Tjtuer's aa-new. 202 Westminster Road tlearance sale! Cnairs and davenports, large selection. Real savlnp. Mangurlan's, 531 Monroe, 125 Park Ave. CUudio Couchp.s Simmons, floor samples.

lshrd Hillside 2020. Imptre mahogany drop brokers, arch mantle clock. Honor chest, lnmps. etc. Valentown Hall, Vlc-tor.

Plttsford Road. Cthotee antiques, open all day-Sunday 1-7: and Fri. eves. Mahekey Studios, 512 Soutfi Ave. ining Room Suite Walnut.

$35. Mon- Basem*nt. 50 State St. Terms, free de Tugs, carpets and linoleum, all colors. Bargains.

Ives, 3898 Lake. Charlotte "I estaurant Meat market, confectionery equipment wanted, spot cash. General day. O'Kane. Stone 1299.

livery. Open Monday until 9:00 P. M. -s Scatter rues of all kinds. Heavy Moving to California.

Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, odda and ends. china twining Room Table Six chairs. IJreakfast Seta Imperial porcelain top. I8Z0. Open 2-4 today.

itudio Couch WittTslip covers, good con-s3 dition: reasonable. Charlotte 2634-R. metal white Vitalaire refrigerator- weight rug pads and padding by the yard. The Rug Market, 248 Monroe opp. dark oak.

$25; gas stove, $15. A cabir cabinet, Excellent condition. Come and see. eve a chrome base, starting at 50; 50 Foprly. 29 w.

Main. Main 150, Kog 9x18. 9x12 rose broadloom or Wil ton preferred. Culver 757-R. 100 lb.

capacity. Excellent condition. Main 67S9-J. Sunday. nings after 6 or Sunday.

417 Hret St. Sears. styles to pick from. Northslde, 226 North $40. Genesee 3149.

Mudlo Couch And cover $15.00 walnut St. Room Table, 5 chairs, buffet; 944 Wanted Antlqne furniture; Used end tables, dining and f1arpets, rugs and linoleum, as available, "are; Dinlnj: oak Oafe Any size, prefer small one. Freezers. "The Bishop has engt-neered desiizn. runerior construction- Chairs need recovering.

434 Clay bedroom furniture. Clancy, 9 Grand furnished and Installed. Horton A lreakfast Set Modern. 4 chairs, prac Democrat. 7anted: Antique chest, chairs, tables, dealra secretaries andirons.

dolls. table and mirror. $10: metal typewriter Ave. Qulnn, 430 E. Main St.

Stone 1208 tically new; also studio couch. 28 kind or Machine wanted: any tame jd.ihi; metal kitchen wall cabinet See the Bishop before you bujrl F. Beers, 15o Broad St. Illinois St. lntng Room Suite good condi- figurines, chtna.

vases, bric-a-brac, naint- AlfiU sacrifice entire contents of furnl-' ture of 4 room at. No phone. 469 Culver 4538. $10.00. Sundav 12-5 only.

790 Van Alstyne Furniture 98 Treakfast Sets February clearance rtoaa. on Klem. west Webster lleciric refrigerator, excellent condiaon, S--4 reasonable. Nast, 222 Chestnut St. 4 Price sale! Porcelain ton fable and 4 Ines and latte gold frames.

Charles Weather, 482 East Main St. Main 4631 except Sundays. A bacus Living room sets; mattresses, Shotgun Wanted, 12 gauge, pump or automatic. Will buy outright or trade resser walnut, winged cnair, goia chairs $45: other sets- in chrome, plastic 'V made to order. We also reupholstT, ficured veiour.

heavy mission oak li We have various models oa Studio Lounges And day beds, large selection. Open Mon: and Fri. evening till 9. Mangurian, 531 Monroe-125 Park -hnt repeater and cash. Call Charlotte maple, oak, blonde mahogany, as much repair, renovate.

Save. Brown, Cul. 4539 Ingldaire brary table, Atwater Kent Radio. High Highest cash prices for anything old. Flora W'hrhetm.

44 Rochester Street. our floor for display. Early delivery. our flc as if, off. Lyons.

4.2 State. eautyrest Mattresses All sizes. Coll boy. 7 ft. 6 In.

9 Axminster rug. cione a ve. 27-R. Cump Sheets, accumulations. prices paid.

Stone 3719-J. BcottavlUe. Phone 14-W. springs. $12.

Klass. 99 Monroe Ave, 4S52-R. Treakfast Set Maple, porcelain top, 3-3 chairs. Reasonable. 373 Central Pk Also complete Una of ranges, washer, radio, etc.

Ralph Appliance. 7iJ Main, Genesee 7593. North 2nd fl. apt. 9.

AU day Tues. till 9p. rn. Haywood Wakefield four-piece ratan sunroom suite, Charlotte1204. Iyons "February-Clearance Sale.

ATTiiving room, bedroom, breakfast, dining room suits, chairs, lamps, studio couches, sola beds, selling at and less of original selling price. This Is a real old time saie. Home pieces selling as low as pre-war days. Lyons. 42 State, Open Monday eve.

4 ntlques purchased at fair market rpnble Mahogany. 3 shelf oval end table 3 Phone rinnesee 2525-W. I Windsor steel double with coil 'resser Walnut, combination wardrobe, both for $20. Waterman. 961 Jeffer- Otamp Collections And old envelopes.

prices. Arnold Bloom. Glenwood 2315. lreakfast Table 2 chairs, davenport springs, $12. 74 Elwell, Brighton, cu.

motor now ia irigldalre 3 I Culver 1943-R rpable Duncan Phyfe. seats 8. excellent tahle smalt dealc K71.W sem*nt Can be Installed la bot- basem*nt 1)ed Maple, Jenny Lind, complete. Van Robert V. Deverlan will buy your an-' tloues or comnlete estate, wil! pav the rtVa Sets Trays and serving dishes tcim of machine.

Genesee 268. 1 ressing Table Maple. Simmons bed, A3 lly. dresser. Excellent condition.

233 "reakfast Set Porcelain top table and A Glenwood 8132-W. rpransmltters Bachmnns is amazing 3- Rend what vnnr fpiano V.n.- wanted of silver or plate. Kerr. highest prices. 125 East Ave.

Stone 3137 J7 Susquehanna off 2300 Monroe. Culver 2951-J. 2S7 Cedar- 4 chairs, needs painting. $15.00. Glen complete.

IjVigldaire sonable. 5 cubic, nic condiuoo. Rockview Ter. Charlotte 751-J today. wood.

Ted-Davenport Like new. Maroon tap- wood 2810. Bedroom Set 3 piece. thild's I lent. R.

J. Greenieh. TT "Rmi 95 Baby Merchandise 'Pypewrtter Wanted. Any kind. Fraser, light 182 1' estry, storage Rpace, $50.

168 Ral T)reakfast Set Maple: dinette set, 3- blrrh, complete: fine condition. rouve really got It here!" 27 Herman a Culver 4S38, IrigTdaire, apanment size; porce.a.n. Uke new. Levine. 30 Monroe.

Monday. elgh Monroe 7S62-R. "IT'asy Chairs Made In size and color to a 4 fit your needs. Miller Crafts, 12 Corners. piece living room suite, bedroom suite, Erliteland Culver 5616-R unity walnut with 8 drawers "Washing Machine Wanted: any kind or combination radio.

Call Culver 1720-W, 1 Jed Vanity, bench, bedside table, chest oil ...4 I furniture Market bedding sale. condition. Friser, culver 4538 and nencn. sju. t.icuwoim owio-.

Baby Buggy Thayer, excellent condition, Rea sonable. Genesee 4798-M. Baby Crlb-Sheetlng Urlneproof wlllnot crack. Monroe Surgical, 93 Monroe. Taby Cribs New Simmons-make, $15.

of drawers, all with glass tops, good Ijuffet 53-lnch oak square table, two Ind Tables Pair, mahogany, also coffee table 30 Sclve Terrace. "oodworking Machinery On home shop ATall Bracket Three shelves, mirror condition; $175. Weekdays, 271 Hayward leafs. 30 for both: other articles. 3 springs, $6.50: Simmons beds, $8 50; cotton felt mattresses.

$14: all layer felt mattresses, $29 50 quality, marked down to $19 50; maple poster beds', $12.50. Terms. walnut, like new. was exnen tyr. Also motors.

Describe condition, Genesee 6491-M. 1. E. Refrigerators se new 1S47 mode. now! All size 'reezer cabinets: repairs on all makes.

57 Spring. Main 6857. Kelvinator Refrigerator, 5 cubic-1 Ex cellent condition, very reasonable. 23 Fairlea Dr. off Culver Road.

Culver 3692-W. Ind Tables Duncan Phyfe, round, set of two; like new. Glenwood 2360-R. sive. Very reasonable.

Genesee 640-W. Thor Ives. 3898 Lake. Charlotte 1820. Open fard Tables Tilt top style; decorated a' ate pnee L-S3.

Democrat. VTand operating apple paring machine 1ed Spring Coll, full size. new. washer. 389 Rockingham.

one set range oil 2-4 today. Atlardrobe Vanity. 96 North St. 173 Clay Ave. tops in either floral or scenic de signs.

February sale priced at burners, combination white and gray 1 must be iq good condition. L-8. Demo TJed Maple, single, springs complete Taby Carriage Pre-war folding. Good "ahogany bureau and desk, $25. hunoay Gateleg Table Mahogany, like new, pre- war.

Size 34x48 extended: $25. Hill with oil burners. 14-5 Lyell -a- condition. 588 Bennlneton Dr. -s- never used; reasonable.

Stone 3672-L, cratJ Cash and carry. Ruby-Gordon, 34 and Monday morning from 10 to 1, 5 East Boulevard. lrayn Two-door, electric, good tion. Thist ledown Tie Thrt- 18 Anson side. South Ave.

T7ed accessories, case, filters, for "Tashing Machine Bed and dresser. side 2020. Clothing Practically new; Taylor 4 reed nArph set. combination book "Ied Simmons, full size, $10 complete mv Kodak medalist I -write. Schnaufer, fAhalrs Five, yellow, slipper; walnut cliffe.

Turniture Market, selling out all rcpoe- s' tot verv reasonable. Culver 1333-J. Vitchen Set Torcelain top table, 4 ense-desk. collansihle clothes closets and X' Detroit. Mich sessed and trade-in furntiure and bed- tables: mahogany corner cupboard chairs, $30.

196 Cottage. -L white kitchen cabinet, $15, perfect condition. Glenwood 4875-W. 527 Wegman Furniture sleds, $2t 1 Jelrigerator, electric. Thomas Dunne other housebold articles.

133 cnairoro Chinese lacquered tables and bookcase Wanted: Stuffed, great horned owl for -a ll -'hone Macedon 22S3. deluxe box tvpe sled backs, $3 98: off Denise Rd. Kitchen Cupboard Double glass door, white enamel. 45x60 inches, special, Rd. crow hunting: walnut twin bedroom suite: boys' books stats pries.

M-39 wagons. $10.00. New metal toys arriving AiTashlns Machine Meial crib, tables Democrat automatic phonograph: RCA portable ra IJed Four-poster, single; new springs 286 East Ave, Open 'Union. $39.50. datlyt 40 States Quick freeze cabinets, floor sample, fee immediate sale.

Alhart's, 1147 Culver R.wd. dingTermsOpen evenings, 96 North St. rpwln "Beautyrest" mattresses and box A springs. Ives. 389S Lake, Charlotte 1 820.

OpcnS-4today. New doiibl mapTe bod with boxsprlngs complete; bargain. Call between 8:30 din: roll-top desk; antique guns. Hillside and rorker. etc.

477 Portland, after davenport suite, 3-pler frieze; lounge cCormirk dairy. 10-20, or similar Until V. ev-pnings 51" I "Isby Furniture full sis cribs $16 i.iao. 5 P. m.

Monday. onalr: odd vanities, bed. drpnerr, walnut model. M-4S Temorrat. porccl*tlu-top table; 1 lichen Set -Mapl i ttmlf-Tapestry.

Cart seen 35. 2f dnlux apruig. Kaat Hid Furnllur, 1983 I nil Chair Awn cushion, excellent Ilecirlc rrf rigeralor; good working enn-' dition; $49. Monday. O'Kan.

pwisPbaSy carriage. Call at 4 rhalrs, rad leather seats. Very v- Alameda Street. Hi. Main St.

stiernton Itiniwei'Y Apartment 15, 3ml Alexander and 9 p. m. land lit reasonable. Monroe lonl-It Sunday a 12B9 hlghchalra. $2.

9a; play yards, t0 98 pressure tvpe bottle sterlliter. $4 98' scales, $4 BH; toilet aeat. $2 20. 40 State. Jaaslnette Like new.

Monroe 1184-j" armchair. Reasonable. Call Culver brtfi-K led Outfit Maple poster atyle, twin ante "Walra Cogswell, choice of covers, from St. ltchen Set Porcelain top; cross cut W'antefl by private party for cash, fur- raior, electric, 6 tu. ft.

'varashln's: Machine Refrigerator, com $39 50 to $79.50. February sale! Man Kefrigr IJ complete with Simmons coll spring and well-filled mattrere. February sale priced niture and contents of one or two saw; library, coffee and co*cktail gurtan's. 125 Park Ave. and 531 Monroe bination range, household appliances bedroom apartment.

Must have steam 4488 Mt. Read Blvd. table K1 tables. at $39.50 complete. Ruby-Gordon, 34 Out of storage, odd dining room chair $1, kitchen chairs $1, drop leaf kitchen tables $5.

$10. porcelain tables, all size. $5, 10, 5-pc. wood breakfast set $18, 5-pc. stainless porcelain $29.

5-pc. porcelain with 25 Renwood St. fheels Floor samples, maple and wfl tuggy P.eed, leather-Covered, stroller good condition; Juqfiplfig chair. Mon rest and centrally located. Give full par ltchen Set Solid oak, white stained.

South Ave. v- nut, half price. Mangurlan's, 531 ticulars of price of furniture and rent of fVit of storage: Mahog. Gov. Winthrop Table extends to seat match roe 8049-M.

Monroe. 125 Park Ave. a r-artment Democrat. V3 desk. $39: mahoe.

3-sec. bookcase, Bedding Sale New coil springs, any size, $5.95: soiled layer lelt mattresses, ing chairs with red leatherette seats. bathinette; swing. $19- 8 sec. oak bookcase.

$39: mating large end leaf ext. $45. 5-pc. maple dinette $39, kitchen cabinet $18. maple kitchen cup tread power machine.

Allendale, 240 Carriage Scales; Culver 4439-M. Brand new, but our floor sample is re Maple, 5 drawers, aize 23x41, re-J riuced to $14.50: also 4 drawer. lz $14 96, Simmons beds, $8 95. Furniture South Pt Plttsford. 145-R duced from $59.75 to $39 7a for quick 3-door bookcase, $25: open shelf case, $8 man! sec.

desk. $49: walnut $49 board $25, 6-pc. bleached oak dinette set Market. 96 North. Terms.

Open eve. 31X4 LI, reduced to $19 50. Lauer's Base sale. Ruby-Gordon, 34 South Ave. ighest prices for office carriage Lightweight, folding, good condition, reaaonabl.

277 Flanders equipment Iedroom Furniture Good condition $S9. Prens, 460 State nt. open ion. and Fri. eves.

snfes. desks, ftllne enblnets ddln ment. .10 State St. Terms, free dcliv Open Monday until 9:00 Y. M.

lichen Sets Porcelain. Reg. price; IV specially priced $57.95. Limited Place. 1 Carl St.

Apt. 6. mrtiinea. Braverman, 149 State. Mai Oak dresser $10.

walnut "miit of storage: "Carriage Very good condition. Reason- Iledroom Suite Walnut, Coolerator, 271 flhina Cabinet Bedrom suit and othe: Re7rTgeratlon. Electric, for dellcatesaena, meat markets, restaurants: ail sm. Reasonable. Term.

General Supply 289 W. Main. riiop 100-pound." $30. Water A- man, 961 Jefferson Avenue. Tealers and servlc men, secur your r-s3 placement part for wasnert.

refrigerators from Pfaudler Refrigeratrrr Part Inc holesale distributora Mala 8434. 433 SiuthAv. eFvel RefrigerVtor. like new, fC 833 North Main 7808. Icebox: Whit enamel; Beautiful cor.

tion: resembles refrigerator. Aiao rn Btove, coal atove. Very resona; rtmt apace, Genesee 7016 a. m. or Culver 84,1 p.

ni. 11. Grossman. quantity. Klass, 99 Monroe Ave.

5, mahog $18: oak chest $10, maple $1.1 V- household articles Gfnpee 7771-f a Hollywood bed. dining room suite able. Btone 5536 after 10 a. tn. "wk! watchdog for country.

fierma" $22. mahoe, $3i: dreseer bases ja. like new; baby scsles. other household Iamps End tables, electric clock, dishes, rugs, glider. Charlotte 2448-M.

Carriage Whitney, used only 6 months. kliinev vanities waterfall dress l.tdv's writing desk. $15: mahog. spinet desk. $IS; walnut, $12: mahog 7-drawer kneehnle and chair.

'9. I'rens, 460 State. Open Mon. andFrl. eves, T'arg'e overstuffed chair, striped.

ma-J roon hnckgrounl; $25. Genesee Malple: have It in msnle! Bedrooms, dinette ets. bookcases, tables, livinff rooms. Our etrx-k Is complete snd the price are low! Ruby- f1orner Cupboard Marble too table an Tlice. chow preferred.

Genesee 7891 articles. Monroe 3827-J. ing tables $25: triple mirror vnnliiea, $15; Culver 3563-W, 984 Bay. while enamel gna range Mon. 5104-R, "fascinating Tyrant." "Modern Slaves, I edroom Suite Burl walnut dreaser, similar works wanted.

Illustrated vwnltv benches wardrobe $18: cblffo-robe $22. Prena', 480 Stativ pVavenpnrt And lounge chair, suitable 1 vanitv. bench and bed. $69: perfec available Clean conies only. Prlvat a for rottsee, $5: love seat with match condition.

George's Furniture Arcade, 230 collector. Post Office Box 814, Rochester. ut of storage: Solid mahog exfTDuncan Phvfe dron leaf table, will seat eight. Ing chair. $25.

Call Genesee 3396. Monroe Ave. C'heat of Drawers Scale, reasonable. 202 Oxford St. Crib Complete and chlfferobe, blond b'--h, excellent condition.

Hillside 2524 -W. "rlb Complele; manlTfull nanelled; I ighest prlcea paid for cash registers Gordnn. 34 South Ave. "1 edroom Suite 4-plece, walnut; kltchei and six mahog. chairs, $159.

Prens', 460 Jamps 500 to choose from, $4.98 to i $98.00. February sale! Mangurlan's, 125 Park 531 Monroe. Iivlng Suite, cost $325. six months old: sell for $250. 16 Concord St.

ITving Room Suife Two orthree-pleco, reasonable. Genesee 21 60-W. iving Room Used, brown Veiour, 2-' piece set. Nice style davenport and Davenport Suite 3 piece, custom slip covered. Culver 318-M.

-a Braverman. 149 State. Main 3761. ie bed and dresser. $40.

Call cv- Slate St. set. 1 table. 4 chairs; maple livln Complel nlnga 1 Ighest prices paid for all kinds of store gs. Glenwood 4075-J.

room suite, 3 pieces, single bed pret type 1 avenport Pre-war construction, good Out of storage: Jieds $4. steel springs $4. deluxe double coll springs IJefrlgerator, 4 new motor, em a pressor. 942 Joseph Avenue. fixture snd restaurant nuipment condition, hlue frie covering Nearly new.

$22. Culver 803-M. mahogany: singer sewing m.tcnine $125, all household furnishings for sale: no Hillside 2397-J. $8. $10.

cotton mwtress $6. layer felt $10 innersnring $12, $15. box springs $5, $10 T.ieetric Refrigerators: i mediate deliverv dealers. Call between 11 a. m.

and p. 634 Campbell St. Good condition rpwo full-size living room rugs andone a- complete kitchen set. Very reasonable. Gienwnod 2337-M.

"IJlond mahogany coffee tahle, removable glass top. new, $20. Bamhoo chair. Braverman, 149 State. Majn 3761.

1" buy stamr. coins. Clinton Stamp 1573 CHnton. lil! iay cash for complete home -f 1947 models. Im-Cash or 1340-42 X.

Davenport And chair. 99 Leonard Rd. rollaway cot with mattress $14, coil spring matching chair. Many years of good service left in this set. hut we need tbe room, so out it goes at $29.75 for the 2 pieces.

cots S1o. mahoe. poster bed $18, heavy Masline Appliance ton. IJedroom 3-pc. two-tone walnut, vanity, "Yi.venport Hayden built, two sets slip man poster beds $18, solid panel wood chest and bed.

with concealed drawer upohstered seat and bsek. Metnl floor s-' covers. $125. Glenwood 6215-R pulls, beautiful finish; $129. Prens', 460 Wain 3095 weekdays.

beds fTi. $10, pair of maple beds, springs and mattresses $79. Prens', 460 State State St. Terms. Chair, rust color.

Monday Davenpor 10 a. nport St. Free delivery. Iedroom Blond mahog. modern waterfall m.

18 Cambridge St 13 design dresser, chest and bed, used 3 P.ubv-Gordnn, 31 South Ave. I'ivlng'Riwm-Chairs Dinliig-roomtable, four chairs, antique walnut dresser, bed and other pieces, cheap, before 3 p. m. 4j Edmonds St. iving Rhi5 pieces, including stool, like new.

No dealers. 57 Sullivan St. TPvavpnport Blue mohair. Electrolux va Out of storage: Oak buffetlS, $12: oak china cabinet $10. walnut 1 Tome Freezers fur immediate ceuvery, 3 3-16 cubic ft.

capacity. I. Prade S'oata SOO Culver corner East Main, Culver 533. 1 Jefrtgerators, electric bottle chest. walk -In cooolers.

frozen food eabt-nets. All aizes. See oitr large display. American Specialty 23 Central Ave. months, originally cost $198: now $1.19, Mon aJ pniim cleaner, lamps, like new roe 2713.

$15: oak ext. tables $5, walnut $5. 10 Men's Clothing. Used For more money, call Abe Main 1034 weekdays; Bun-Oavs Btone 2589.J. ighest cash paid-for-men's "good, used Kuy and "elPncn's good uedclotn Irr Clothing Exchange, 662 Court Bt Bion 2175.

I'rena, state, tipen mon. ana r. eves, 1 furniture must be sold at once, living room suite, mahogany dinnette set, consisting of table and four chairs. 40 odd living room chairs, two Bigelow broadloom rugs, sires 9-ft X15-ft, and Call today between 1 p. m.

and 5 P. ni. only, lotto South apt No. 1. after Sunday call Mnnroe 3694 for In'ormatlon.

Sale Davenporti two chairs. Mon- walnut dining room chair $2: mahog lied room 5-pc. Chlppendwle mttluK THiavanpnrt And chair, rust color, $30 gateleg t4le $29; mahog. Windsor chairs beautiful finish. Grand Rapid const.

a' 80 Poplar St. manie dinette chairs i'rens-, tto dressing table, bench, 6-drawer chest 1 iving Room Suite 3-plece mohair, tine State St. "pvavenport Practically new. 202 West dreaser and sleigh style bed. Prens', 460 1 efngerator typ icebox, 50-Ib.

capacity. sj condition: also 4-plece bedroom sull rugs With pads. 149 Ellison St, minster Rd. room suites. rraf and relntloui libraries bought.

eneri State, open Mon. and Fri. eves. $15. A-1.

Clef ilenwood 3425-. Crllj Maple, large aize, excellent condition. 76 Rugby Ave. High Chair Maple, good condition, also all-metal Taylor Tot, $5. Culver 6622.

TT I trav. good cond I-X Haw eaonehte. 11 Trever St. If Igh Practically 'new, 69 avim0nt Bt. Padrbathlnette.

52 Prlem St. Sweater Sets handmad to nrde Culver 87'-W. XotltS Bd Honvl)rrh, rn. 1 almo't 'OQi-W. Iovely3-PlecepInk snowsult.

slze2. worn few times. Also child'" bedroom 'amp, baby's Indoor swing. Monroe 4034-W. aiiTs For Bnbv Furniture: Hli'h chairs.

6 fl- Vnrserv chatrs "cvner t. $1 Bq- All 95- Folding rarrlages '4 Crib" -t all kinds: lnv tvr. 86 P- wt r-rsnrlng crib mattresses. $12 5- Flbr 813.P8: cha'r st. 95; Desks of all Maple rocVer.

2 98. ailer's Furniture "50 State Street. Term. Free delivery. I furniture Market, living custom built.

$95: ores Clin ro 8596. roe 8596. occasional chairs, inton Book Shop, 138 Clinton Ave. TTVavenport Studio, used three months ledroom Used, but a dandy! Semi ew and used refrigerators; Jiving Room Suite 3 pc. floor sample, I maple.

Davenport, two chairs, re $7.50. Terms. 96 North St. ffers this week spe 4 bate and Sanere cost $114, sell for $55. M-33, Demo- modern In design, in excellent con Apex and Stewart-Warner Guaran "for men's good suits.

Main 2580. 239 North Street. XX. crat. cial, two-piece tapestry, living room dition, complete with dresser, vanity, large duced to $129.00.

Lauer's Basem*nt. 50 teed service on all makes. A px S'e and Servire, 70 Mt. Hope Ma T2iO. chest on chest, bench and bed: walnut ex -Good condition: used.

Rea State St. Terms, free delivery. Open Mon day until 9 p. m. terlor, fully dustproof.

mahogany lined TfaTn aJ sonable. 86 Sawyer St. Genesee 4327-J. lash for china! glass, Jewelrr- suite, all spring construction, $179; occasional chairs tn your choice of colors, barrel back chairs $39.50. 34 Exchange St.

drawers and large plate glass mirrors 250. 239 North Street. iving Room Suite Maple. Can be seen "pvaveoport 2 matching chairs, good You will admit it's the best value ever Vntique bedroom suite, oak dining room suite, mahocany bed, kitchen set. up-right piano.

75 Tyler St. Glenwood 4048-J. rpable top range. Tntir Washer, icebox, a. kitchen set.

Venetian housewares. Reasonable. Genese 6292-R. 1 furniture, 5r66m completer'Mostly newT Reasonable. 91 Worcester Rd.

ttentionto the" public: George's Furnf- AJ 3-5. 21 Alameda Street. condition. $65. 74 South Union St.

Ciail "ifain 731, highest prices paid for stoves, braters, Heatrolas. seen at $139.50 for the complete set. Tvavenport Clearance We have several Abate and.Sapere offer some very fine values In sofa beds, solid maple arms Rubv-Gordon 34 South Ave. 3 unhoistered davpnnorts, love seats 'anted, electric rerrlrerators. anv con SY pc.

floor sample IJedroom Suite 4 Sewing Machine 101 owing Machine Need Button hola wo-ker. scissor sets, machine covers, dress forms, sewing cabinet. Part and siimiiies for ail makes. McCurdy'. Mais 5500 Singer Sewing Machine Dres.imaker'a-model: almost new.

9 Batteati lema, Charlotte 1131-M. dition 4rt's Refrlcerator Service. chairs, used and new, now avanle. or covered arms for Immediate delivery $69.50 up. 34 Exchange St.

A3 Beautiful dresser, vanitv. chest. bed 4049-W. Ticd t. substantial savings.

Miller Iivlng Room Suites Brand new floor -J samples, 2 and 3 pieces from $99.50 tip. Flanigan Sells for Less. 337 Driving Park open daily to 9 m. T-ivliig-Room-SulteTurqiiotse, 3 piece. sectional, excellent condition.

Charlotte 2123-J. exceptionally fine finish. Exceptional Four rooms, complete, prac- Crafts. 12 Corners. "furniture ture Arcade open today for inspection value, reduced to $189.00.

Lauer's Base 230 Monroe tically new, stove, vefrigerator. washer. of merchandisa advertised. Gov. Wlnthron.

mahogany, ment, 50 State St. Terms, free deliver. Desk -draw "1 Iloehaster Democrat end Chronicle Sunday, February 23. 1947 Ave, Spencerport 3-4455, 4426 Buffalo Rd, drawers. Hillside 1814-J.

Open Monday until 9:00 P..

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.